2023 MIDYEAR: Time Management Made Easy: From Overwork & Overwhelm to the Optimized You!

AOCOOHNS 2023 Mid-Year Conference:

About Your CME Director:  Harjot Singh, M.D. is a keynote speaker, author, and physician professional development consultant. He helps doctors master skills never taught in medical training so they can lead to success and live with joy. He speaks at national-level meetings and in boardrooms across the country. He also focuses on organizational-level change, working with C-suite leaders to design tailored programs. He is passionate about helping people discover who they really are - like how Yoda helps Luke discover what a powerful Jedi he is. He believes that a mind, once expanded, never goes back to its old state. A practicing physician, chief of telemedicine at Kingsview Behavioral Health, and faculty at the American College of Healthcare Executives, Harjot’s work is informed by all three perspectives. His internet home is HarjotSinghMD.com.

September 8-9, 2023 (4 hours each day)

September 8th: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm EST

September 9th: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm EST

Total hours 12 CME hours

CME special - 2 hours before the conference, and 2 hours after the conference, at your discretion. 


Time Management Made Easy: From Overwork & Overwhelm to the Optimized You!

After this program, the participants will be able to:

1) Describe different components of time management and productivity and how they affect a physician, their patients, and healthcare systems, including safety and quality. 

2) Recognize how Osteopathic Pledge will help you master Time Management 

3) Learn common myths about Time Management 

4) Recognize the evidence-based interventions for Time Management and Productivity

5)  Create and Deploy your plan to conquer overwhelm and be efficiently productive